My Two Cents: WORK

"Whatever you do, stay on your feet! Whatever the obstacle -
Do not allow yourself to be taken down!"
He gets hit HARD once, twice, three times; hit over and over again, but somehow he still manages to stay on his feet and he keeps moving ahead. He not only remains on his feet and moving, he refuses to give in to the unforgiving body blows. He just keeps moving and moving forward focused intently on his goal.
In football that is what they call a spectacular run. Hard to imagine? Difficult to conceive? Well, I watched it on TV last Saturday night. I watched it play out in front of millions, just the other night.
As I watched a New York Giants game I witnessed a play that I will remember for awhile. It was one of the most memorable plays I've ever witnessed. Giant's running back Tiki Barber ran 41 yards for a touchdown! But it wasn't the number of yards that he gained or the fact that he scored on the play that left me in awe. It was the number of times that he was hit; the number of times that they tried to bring Tiki down, that made the biggest impression on me. Hit after hit. Blow after blow. Near misses, trips, grabs and they still couldn't bring this guy down.
Every time I thought that he should have gone down, he managed to stay on his feet.
As the television announcers marveled and ran the replay over and over again, they counted a total of ten tackles that Tiki Barber overcame before he scored. Ten tackles! Consider the fact that there are eleven players per team on the field which means, statistically speaking, Barber was hit by nearly every member of the opposition.
The whole thing didn't last more than eight seconds but what I saw within that brief sports moment, reminded me of the obstacles, disappointments and miscalculations that you and I encounter everyday. Everyday there will be obstacles to face and there will be opposition to get through. But how often are you willing to assume the "Never Say Die" attitude of a Tiki Barber. The impossible is possible. I saw it play out on Saturday night.
"Whatever you do, stay on your feet! Whatever the obstacle –
Do not allow yourself to be taken down!"
And, that’s my two cent's (for whatever it’s worth).
Auguste Roc