My Two Cents: Mind Over Matter

As of a result of some unexpected losses that threaten their chances of making the playoffs, we began assessing what we thought each team would need to do in order to get back on track.
We dissected and analyzed each teams approach and strategy to their games and came up with, what we thought would be smart changes and adjustments that (before we would end our sports talk and move on to resolving world issues), acknowledging that it must be kind of difficult for a team to change course so far into a season. But, if what you want to do is go all the way...
No matter what the GAME is that you're playing, realize that when things aren't going according to plan, and what is at stake is the possibility of achieving the goal, it may be time to reassess. Sometimes you just have to re-evaluate your current plan and determine what adjustments need to be made to get the win and ensure your success.
Despite the best laid plans, and whether we like it or not, in life --
Stuff happens.
And, when "stuff happens" it may be time to go back to the drawing board and re think a thing or two.
Be aware that the fear which stems from the uncertainty, the frustration that comes with being hit from out of left field, the resentment of having to question what you might have been thinking in the first place, may threaten to take you out!
It takes focus, determination and maybe even some courage at times to regroup so you can finish the way you imagined.
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc