My Two Cents: Go With It

Gussie was asking me to help her to decide whether she should attend an event which she was recently invited to that was in direct conflict with another activity that she loves to do.
"You have to trust your instincts," I responded.
Gussie was torn between the two.
That reminded me of a childhood memory which I decided to share with her.
I was eleven years old and, as I did most every afternoon, I headed for the playground with my basketball under my arm looking forward to getting on the court and into a game.
I loved the summer, but I loved playing basketball on the playground even more. It was my passion and I rarely let anything get in the way of it.
As I approached the playground, I saw that it was jammed with kids, including the long line of players waiting to play.
I was lucky. My friend who had the next game needed one more player and asked me join his team.
Already, this looked like it was going to be a very good day. The kids on this team were good and this was my chance to shine.
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc