My Two Cents: Step One

"We're just going to have to trust this plan and each other if we are going to make this thing work" -
is what he said at the close of a meeting that I attended not too long ago.
A week or so ago, in a lengthy two hour brainstorming session consisting of a dozen or more attendees, we all held a stake in ensuring the success of the project that we were about to embark on.
The meeting was scheduled to go 30 minutes but we went overtime because we could not agree on the plan of action that we had already reviewed and signed off on. We kept going back and forth. The steps that were carefully planned, measured and agreed to were being challenged.
Doubt had taken over.
Finally the project leader took a stand and offered a bottom line --
"We're just going to have to trust this plan and each other if we are going to make this thing work."
That made me stop and think about something that I had recently heard.
While watching a T.V. interview with NBA All-Star and current N.Y. Knick coach Isaiah Thomas, I listened as he was asked what are the key elements that your Knick team is going to have to learn in order to turn the corner and become a winning team?
Without missing a beat Isaiah responded, "There are going to have to learn how to trust each other."
On a basketball team, like any other team in any other GAME that you might play:
It is critical for every player to believe in the plan and determine to execute accordingly.
Every player must have the assurance that every other player will be in his designated spot, delivering each and every time.
That’s my two cent’s (for whatever it’s worth).
Auguste Roc