My Two Cents: Pro-Test

Have you heard the one about the U.S. Women's Bridge Team?
At a recent awards dinner, a team of women representing the United States at the world bridge championships in Shanghai, held up a sign expressing which way that they didn't vote in the last Presidential election. As a result of their actions, they are facing serious sanctions and the threat of a year long suspension.
It seems that this kind of story keeps cropping up.
I remember being taught as a kid never to be afraid to speak up and voice my opinion. I was taught that this was every citizen's right. I was captivated by this notion and I took it very seriously, knowing that there would be times when I would be inspired to put it to the test.
When I was eight years old and in the third grade, Mrs. Trocter announced that she was about to give us a test. We were stunned at her surprise. Mrs. Trocter always gave us some kind of a head's up when she was going to give a test, giving us a chance to prepare, so what was this about?
The class protested and Mrs. Trocter responded with a warning that anyone who continued to object would be dismissed from class.
For whatever reason, on this particular day, with this particular test, I found my inspiration to speak up for my rights and as a result, I had to be escorted back to class later on that day -
by my dad.
The thing is:
Neither my dad nor Mrs. Procter were mad. Rather they celebrated my resolve and that solidified in me a respect for our right to speak up.
Freedom of Speech is a right that we are supposed to expect to enjoy as citizens of the United States of America and one that is supposed to be protected under the United States Constitution.
What happened with that bridge team and -
Why should we care...?
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc