My Two Cents: Morale Support

“Imagine if, for just one second, everyone in the world, was cheering you on” -- I thought this thought out loud.
“I wonder what would that be like?”
My high school coach had a tradition. He insisted that, during every game, all his players applaud what was happening on the court. The guys on the team that were sitting on the bench while the game was being played, were given the responsibility of, not only watching every move of every play, but of supporting and acknowledging the work that was being done.
He called it “being in the game”.
Whether a rebound had been snatched, a shot had been blocked or a basket had been made, we were to stand and applaud as an act of encouragement and support. We stood and applauded with enthusiasm, passion and conviction. There would be no exceptions!
It didn’t matter whether we were playing at another school, facing the jeers of the opposing team’s fans, or whether we were playing at home in front of our family, friends and supporters –
We were always expected to stand to cheer!
I am convinced that cheering and supporting contributed to the fact that we were always a winning team.
Displaying support from the sidelines to someone who is playing on the court, plays a critical role in determining the outcome of a game. To be a successful team, a winning team, everybody has to
“Be in the game”.
As a team, we learned the meaning of “having someone else’s back”. We learned the meaning of “being the force behind the finish”. As a team we cheered each other through both good plays and bad, all the way to the win.
In any game and on any team, the support that you provide someone else, could be the very thing that could make the difference between a win for the entire team. In the world of community, family and friends, consider that if the team wins, so do you.
As you step out today, as you step out to play --
“Be in the game!”
Participate by acknowledging someone for who they are and for what they are accomplishing.
Applaud someone. Stand for them, and cheer them on.
That’s my two cent’s (for whatever it’s worth).
Auguste Roc