
I always thought that these words spoken in a particular way ranks as one of the most game altering ultimate statements that an athlete can make.
It is a declaration of sheer and utter confidence.
"Give me the ball!" --
said by someone who means business, communicates a bold and definitive attitude that convinces everyone that there is an expectation that has been set --
no hint of doubt; no possibility of defeat.
Those words spoken in that way represent the kind of fearlessness that can only come when you are determined to take care of business and get the job done.
I thought about what it is that would provoke someone to audaciously say such a thing in such a way that would have other people just do what they say.
I think it's seeing something first and then deciding to -
I reflect from time to time about my years playing basketball. There was one game in particular that I was remembering the other day. It was a critical game that we needed to win to get into the play-offs. The game became a grueling battle and neither team was willing to suffer the loss, and we all knew that the outcome of this game would be determined in the final seconds.
With the score tied and three seconds remaining on the clock, we have possession of the ball when Coach calls for a time-out.
As the team huddles over Coach to receive final instruction, we hear our teammate Glen demand, "Give me the ball".
We turn to look at Glen, and I realize in that moment that we were going to win this game.
With three seconds left we run the play for Glen, and he hits the shot as the final buzzer sounds signaling our victory.
Later, when I asked Glen what made him think that he could ask for the ball, he said --
"I saw myself making the shot, so I knew that I would."
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth),
Auguste Roc