My Two Cents: But, I Get Up Again

"We've even hired a coach to focus on preventing fumbles and turnovers."
I was reading an article about a pro football team forecasting their upcoming season. The head coach was emphasizing the need for his team to do a better job at keeping possession of the ball in order to have a successful year, and to ensure that he had brought a specialist in to teach his players -
How to avoid fumbling and turning over the ball.
In the game of football there are eleven players on defense that are aggressively looking to dislodge the ball from the offensive player's hands by any means necessary.
Despite the number of serious and nasty challenges out on the football field, coaches coach their players to:
Hang on to the football! Don't fumble the football! Whatever you do, don't fumble!
Let's be honest though. In football as well as in the GAME of life, there will be times when you will "drop the ball". There will be times that you make mistakes and there will be times when you will -
When the focus is on "not dropping the ball" then the result will be a compromised performance.
The objective to "keep moving the ball forward" as opposed to "don't fumble the ball!" will allow for the opportunity to rebound and the possibility of getting back on your feet and back in the GAME.
How many coaches will likely be overheard today, admonishing their players to 'NOT FUMBLE" when encouraging them to focus on the "FIGHT FOR THE GOAL" would be so much more effective.
Keep focusing on "advancing the ball down the field" because, if you can focus on the objective that is designed to have you win your GAME, then, fumble or not; whether you fall flat on your face or sail right on through, you will get up off of the ground and you will -
dust yourself off.
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth),
Auguste Roc