My Two Cents: Give me the ball!

"The man that will not be denied.”
That’s what my coach use to call me.
With just a few seconds remaining in regulation, the score was tied. We had the ball and the coach had called a time out.
As I walked towards the team huddle, my mind was consumed with –
the vision.
The vision of me getting the ball and navigating my way through the defensive obstacles, scoring the final basket and winning the game.
The vision was so vivid. Every detail was as clear as if it had already happened. I remember that I was so caught up with the vision in my head that I did not hear a word our coach said during the time out. I just kept reliving this vision.
“Give me the ball”! I screamed. “Give me the ball!” because I knew that I would score.
And I did – score and we won that game. I scored because I knew that I would.
There was no doubt in my mind what the outcome would be. I saw it and I just kept seeing it.
In any GAME that you are playing, whatever it is that you are doing in your life:
See it, keep seeing it, and then –
navigate your way through whatever defensive obstacles, take a risk and make the shot!
“The man that will not be denied.”
(Ahh, those good ole “Glory Days”...)
That’s my two cent’s (for whatever it’s worth),
Auguste Roc