My Two Cents: Pending

"Can you always find a point of reference for a life experience through sports?" asks a friend.
"Always" I respond. Probably because sports for me represent possibility, triumph, wonderment and awe. Sports allow us to demonstrate courage; an unwillingness to give up.
And then -
I remembered.
"Let's go! Let's go! Run!"
I have to listen carefully to his instructions because of all the screaming and sirens that seem to be coming from every direction.
Again, someone's shouting,
"Let's go! Let's go!"
Confused, I instinctively glance to my left and then to my right. My jaw drops as my eyes threaten to cry because I can't believe what I am seeing. My heart sinks like a lead brick when I recognize the boulder-like chunks, spread recklessly all over the street as the façade of the tallest buildings in the world.
Thousands of thoughts race simultaneously through my brain as I surrender to the very real possibility of death.
"What could have caused this?" I think out loud to myself. "What has just shattered my world?"
These questions have yet to be answered.
As I desperately search for something to help check my reality, I see a police officer courageously holding his ground on the edge of the sidewalk. Surrounded by the debris that is chaotically misplaced, now lying in the middle of the street, he commands us once again to run.
"Let's go! Let's go!"
I stop and turn. I look up trusting that what I am about to see will explain it all:
"My God, my God, there are people in there" I whisper as my eyes finally make good on that threat.
I remember it all so vividly and I can go back to those moments at will.
And even though I trust that I will -
I haven't yet found a sports reference for that...
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc