My Two Cents: Missing

I've always had an interest in politics and like a fan of any game, I look forward to sifting through all endless bits of subjective information and partisan opinion in a subconscious attempt to validate the "team" that I'm backing.
Politics, however, is ultimately very serious business and definitely not meant to be dibbled and dabbled at by the meek and uniformed. To really get underneath the issues and to understand how the issues affect our daily lives is not just about being responsible, it's ultimately about being smart.
Today, I write with a sense of sadness as I acknowledge the passing of Tim Russert. America will miss the objectivity and the integrity that he brought to journalism and the passion and respect that he had for politics.
Meet the Press has become a mandatory weekly destination for those who take their politics seriously because Tim Russert could be counted on to question, challenge and to inform. He was different because he was willing to really do the work and he took what he did very seriously.
Life, like politics, can and should be filled with fun and entertainment; it should be played with everything we've got. And like politics, life is also very serious business and we miss out on great opportunities when we dibble here or dabble there. Tim Russert seemed to be the kind of guy who lived like he worked - excellently.
The man that millions welcomed into their homes every Sunday morning will be missed.
Tim Russert. He did the work.
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc