My Two Cents: BIGGER

We all know what it's like to win a few and we all now how it feels to lose. And, while winning is something that we anxiously prepare for, that we willingly visualize and imagine, nobody really plans for how they will handle defeat.
You don't plan for losing. You just hope it doesn't happen.
But, maybe there is something to be said for taking the time to imagine what you'd do if you do lose because, in the absence of the loser losing graciously everybody loses and nobody really wins. The winner misses out on the full glory of a job well done, of a fight well fought, of a game well played. The loser misses out on the opportunity to honor the process and to grow. The future is tainted because history reflects badly on such displays.
The greater good of the game is dishonored when the loser won't willingly accept their defeat because of the series of unwritten protocol that gets violated and abused. A destructive tone gets set for the ones who are expected to follow the lead of a leader who spoils the sport.
We'll win some but we can also expect to most definitely lose more than we'd like to imagine we will. But even after a well fought fight, when the winner loses with dignity and grace, everyone is honored so -
everybody wins.
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc