My Two Cents: Beyond Reason

Last week it was reported that four young men, two of whom were NFL players, were out on a boat when a wave hit them causing the boat to capsize. One man survived. It has been reported that the two men "gave up".
The headline reads:
Players on Board Give Up and Let Themselves Be Swept Away
I keep wondering what it was that had those two guys let go and, how was it that the guy who survived was able to hang on...
I wonder if we each possess the capacity to access hope when things are looking pretty bad. If one person in a crisis can manage to "hang on", does that suggest that others should be able to do the same, and if so, for how long?
Sometimes help is just a moment away. Sometimes help arrives at the point in which we are tempted to give up...
That's my two cents (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc