My Two Cents: The Undisputed Truth

If you want to beat a champion, you have to knock him out.
Boxing, like any other sport, has rules and parameters that are etched in stone and are governed by the ruling organization to ensure that they are justly followed by anyone who enters the ring.
Fighters are expected to compete and to be evaluated based on an agreed upon set of rules and regulations, which specifically detail how fights will be fought and scored and won, to ensure at least the perception that everything is fair.
However, there is a point in any game when even the most recognized and acknowledged conventions are dismissed in favor of favoring "the champ".
To unseat the champion you've got to understand that there exists two sets of rules; the standards by which the champ is allowed to compete, and the standards for everybody else.
If you want to defeat the champion you have to do more than beat him at his own game. You really have to knock him out to prove to the world, but more importantly to prove to yourself, that you have earned the right to wear the crown.
You must display a level of mastery and a determination that is above and beyond the recognized rules of the game.
Rules to the game are one thing; the way the game is played and decided in the championship round is an entirely different conversation and not one to be entered into unless you intend to deliver -
the knock out punch.
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc