My Two Cents: Off A Cliff

This past week I concluded a couple of things as I pondered the idea -
1. "Leader" is an earned distinction that great leaders realize they have to keep earning - moment by moment. Really great leaders welcome the opportunity to continuously evolve and transform in order to serve exceptionally.
2. Followers have to be good leaders too, even great, because effective execution and "team play" require an innate sense of what it takes to be a good leader.
Lately, the question for me has become:
Do great leaders require great people -- following? Does great leadership demand that people follow greatly?
Consider that, great people who "follow the leader" must understand that the stuff of great leadership is character, commitment, wisdom, compassion -- INTEGRITY.
They must be able to identify severe and chronic breakdowns generated from the top and they must be willing to take a stand.
In the absence of great followers, following greatly --
Who do we become?
That's my two cent's (for whatever it's worth).
Auguste Roc