The Good Life

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Why I am recommending

Because we have to start caring for the planet before it's too late...

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Why I am recommending this website:

Because we have to start caring for the planet before it’s too late...

From the Website:

Living Routes' mission is to create opportunities to live and learn within human-scale communities that are consciously striving to live well and lightly. By offering positive visions and "stories" for humanity and the planet, ecovillages offer ideal "campuses" for students to explore possible futures, both in the world and in their own lives. Why do we think this is so important? Because through years of study, dialogue, experience, and reflection, we have embraced the following core assumptions:

We're in Overshoot?
The Future is Fragile
Systemic Change is Needed
New Educational Models are Key
Ecovillages are Ideal Campuses
We Can Do It!

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