Web Sites: ManhattanFruiter.com

Why I am recommending ManhattanFruitier.com:
Well, as nice as it is to get flowers, sometimes a little bit of gourmet fruit provides the perfect sentiment. Whether you want to congratulate someone for a job well done, celebrate an occasion or express your sympathy, -- this time around, do it with fruit. Manhattan Fruitier's Gourmet gift basket's can include specialty nuts, cheeses, CHOCOLATE! They will even deliver ice cream. Now, what could be better?
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From the Website:
Purveyor of Fine Fresh Fruit Baskets and Gifts
Established in 1987, Manhattan Fruitier recreates a style of gift and service that are an elegant reminder of New York's 19th century carriage trade, when luxury gifts were shopped for and delivered by horse-drawn carriage. Composed like Dutch still-life paintings, our fruit baskets and food hampers make a welcome gift no matter the occasion.
Our aesthetic is classical and pre-industrial. The fruit is presented elegantly, but with no artifice. We strive for packaging that reflects the period 1890 to 1910, which means we are expert hand packagers. We are a gift service that reaches back to a time when many things were done with greater care and beauty. Our fresh fruit gifts combine both familiar fruits (grapes, apples, pears, plums, etc.) and less familiar fruits (lychees, Asian apple pears, feijoa, carambola, etc.). We include our own Guide to Exotic Fruits, with illustrations and instructions on how to eat thirty exotic fruits. This way, gift recipients may easily discover new exotic fruits.
Welcome to Manhattan Fruitier.
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