Web Sites: SuTree.com

What did we do before the Internet?
In an age where we can go online and find information about nearly anything that might cross our minds, Sutree.com offers a way to learn by watching. By organizing content submitted by other users who have found useful, informative video clips, Sutree.com has built a community of people sharing interesting bits of information.
Click here to visit SuTree.com
From the Site:
The name SuTree is derived from the combination of two words: Sutra - "(Sanskrit) literally means a rope or thread that holds things together, and more metaphorically refers to an aphorism (or line, rule, formula), or a collection of such aphorisms in the form of a manual..." (sutra, wikipedia) and Tree.
Taken together these words add up to SuTree - a tree of lessons, a tree of knowledge.
SuTree is based on the following premises:
- It is usually easier to learn something by watching a lesson then by reading texts.
- The internet is full of free stuff - including quality video lessons on almost any subject.
- Using search engines to find quality free video-lessons can be difficult and frustrating.
- A community that collaborates and shares knowledge is smarter and more powerful than any editor, robot or algorithm.
- In the age of information, knowledge should be: free, available to all, accurate and communicative.
- Each and every one of us starts learning when he/she is a baby and never stops: continuous learning is part of being human.
- We don't always know an expert or a teacher that can give us the practical advice or teach us what we need to learn.
Feel free to use SuTree to learn everything: how to fix stuff at home, how to solve math problems, how to improve your golf or basketball skills, how to prepare quality recipes, how to speak foreign languages, how to maintain you car, how to choose your next holiday destination, or anything else you'd like to know.
Click here to visit SuTree.com