Web Sites: DailyLit.com

Why I am recommending DailyLit.com:
If your busy schedule prevents you from being able to enjoy a good book every now and then, have I got the website for you. Daily Lit makes it easy to read the classics by dropping excerpts in your Inbox whenever and however it's best for you. Get your "quick lit" on your laptop, cell phone, desktop, first thing in the morning (right along with your newspaper) or at the end of the day (as a way to relax and unwind).
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From the Site:
About DailyLit
We created DailyLit because we spent hours each day on email but could not find the time to read a book. Now the books come to us by email. Problem solved.
The Idea
We got the idea for DailyLit after the New York Times serialized a few classic works in special supplements a few summers ago. We wound up reading books that we had always meant to simply by virtue of making them part of our daily routine of reading the newspaper. The only thing we do more consistently than read the paper is read email. Bingo! We put together a first version and began reading "War of the Worlds" and "Pride and Prejudice". We showed it to friends, added more books and features at their request, and presto, DailyLit was born.
How It Works
DailyLit sends books in installments via e-mail. DailyLit currently offers over 400 classic public domain titles that can be subscribed to and read in their entirety for free. Popular titles include "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen Readers can choose how often and at what time they want the e-mails sent to them (e.g. every weekday at 6:30am). Books on DailyLit can be read any place that a reader receives e-mail, including on a PDA, Blackberry, Trio, etc. Each installment of a book can be read in under 5 minutes, and if a reader is done with a particular installment, a reader can receive the next installment immediately in his/her e-mail Inbox. DailyLit has recently added forums where readers can discuss their favorite books and authors.
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