Web Sites: Food 411.com

I consider myself a "Foodie". I love to cook, but I love to eat even more. Watching The Food Network is one of my favorite past times so when I discovered that there was an "everything food" website –
I discovered a slice of HEAVEN ON EARTH!
Click here to visit Food 411.com
From the Site:
Do you ever wish someone would obsessively research and find all the great food-related Web sites and products for you, so you could avoid the endless hours of online surfing, popups, spyware, outdated sites, terrible products?
Do you ever wish you could just go to one well-designed Web site where all these hand-picked sites & great food gifts are immediately available to you? Your wish has come true; Food411.com.
Food411.com is designed by food enthusiasts for food enthusiasts. Our goal at food411.com is to be the ultimate resource for everything on the Web related to gourmet food, cooking, fresh ingredients and dining--each and every listing has been carefully reviewed and hand-selected. We are not compensated in any way by our listed sites, and our sponsors are clearly labeled as such. We hope you find food411.com to be an invaluable resource, whether you're looking for specialty ingredients, unusual kitchen tools, a memorable gift, or a great new restaurant!
Click here to visit Food 411.com