Web Sites: EcoEncore.org

Why I am recommending EcoEncore.org:
What a great way to participate in protecting the global environment while cleaning up your own backyard...
Click here to visit EcoEncore.org
From the Site:
"Eco Encore is a great way for people to clear their homes of their used CDs, videos and books that have accumulated. This innovative project finds buyers for these items, diverting them from landfills and channeling the proceeds into organizations working to protect the environment."
- Gideon Rosenblatt, ONE/Northwest
Eco Encore raises funds for environmental organizations in the Pacific Northwest through the online resale of books, CDs, DVDs and software donated by individuals and academic institutions around the country, while increasing awareness of reuse as a vital practice for resource conservation and waste reduction.
Eco Encore is dedicated to treading lightly on the earth. We utilize recycled and used paper whenever possible.
Click here to visit EcoEncore.org